Sunday, May 14, 2023

Check Why Shutdown Immediate hangs


Ref. Doc ID 164504.1

In order to check reason why shutdown immediate hangs
SQL>connect / as SYSDBA
SQL>Select * from x$ktuxe where ktuxecfl = 'DEAD';
This shows dead transactions that SMON is looking to rollback.
Now Plan to shutdown again and gather some information. Before issuing the shutdown immediate command set some events as follows:
SQL>alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
SQL>alter session set events '10400 trace name context forever, level 1';
SQL>shutdown immediate;
10046 turns on extended SQL_TRACE for the shutdown process.
10400 dumps a system state every 5 minutes.
The trace files should show where the time is going. To check the progress of SMON is very important in this case. You can find it with the below query.
SELECT r.NAME "RB Segment Name", dba_seg.size_mb,
DECODE(TRUNC(SYSDATE - LOGON_TIME), 0, NULL, TRUNC(SYSDATE - LOGON_TIME) || ' Days' || ' + ') || TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(TRUNC(MOD(SYSDATE-LOGON_TIME,1) * 86400), 'SSSSS'), 'HH24:MI:SS') LOGON, v$session.SID, v$session.SERIAL#, p.SPID, v$session.process,
v$session.USERNAME, v$session.STATUS, v$session.OSUSER, v$session.MACHINE,
v$session.PROGRAM, v$session.module, action
FROM v$lock l, v$process p, v$rollname r, v$session,
(SELECT segment_name, ROUND(bytes/(1024*1024),2) size_mb FROM dba_segments
WHERE segment_type = 'TYPE2 UNDO' ORDER BY bytes DESC) dba_seg
WHERE l.SID = AND v$session.SID = l.SID AND
TRUNC (l.id1(+)/65536)=r.usn
-- AND l.TYPE(+) = 'TX' AND
-- l.lmode(+) = 6
AND r.NAME = dba_seg.segment_name
--AND v$session.username = 'SYSTEM'
--AND status = 'INACTIVE'
ORDER BY size_mb DESC;
Reason: Shut down immediate may hang because of various reasons.
§         Processes still continue to be connected to the database and do not terminate.
§         SMON is cleaning temp segments or performing delayed block cleanouts.
§         Uncommitted transactions are being rolled back.
Debugging a hung database 
Back in oracle 10g a hung database was real problem, especially could not connect via SQL*plus release the source of the hanging. There is a new feature in Oracle 11g SQL*Plus called the “prelim” option. This option is very useful for running oradebug and other utilities that do not require a real connection to the database.
sqlplus –prelim
-or- in SQL you can set
SQL>Set _prelim on
SQL>connect / as sysdba
Now you are able to run oradebug commands to diagnose a hung database issue:
SQL> oradebug hanganalyze 3
Wait at least 2 minutes to give time to identify process state changes.
SQL>oradebug hanganalyze 3
Open a separate SQL session and immediately generate a system state dump.
SQL>alter session set events 'immediate trace name SYSTEMSTATE level 10';
How to Check why shutdown immediate taking longer time to shutdown?
Ref. 1076161.6: Shutdown immediate or shutdown Normal hangs. SMON disabling TX recovery
Ref. Note 375935.1: What to do and not to do when shutdown immediate hangs.
Ref. Note 428688.1: Shutdown immediate very slow to close database.
When shutdown immediate taking longer time as compare to the normal time usually it is taking. You must perform following task before performing actual shutdown immediate.
  1. All active session.
  2. Temporary Tablespace Recover.
  3. Long Running Query in Database.
  4. Large Transaction.
  5. Progress of the Transaction that oracle is recovering.
  6. Parallel Transaction Recovery.
SQL> Select sid, serial#, username, status, schemaname, logon_time from v$session where status='ACTIVE' and username is not null;
If Active session is exist then, try to find out what is doing in the database by this session. Active session makeshutdown slower
SQL> Select f.R "Recovered", "Need Recovered" from (select count(block#) R , 1 ch from sys.fet$ ) f,(selectcount(block#) NR, 1 ch from sys.uet$) u where;
Check to see any long query is running into the database while you are trying to shutdown the database.
SQL> Select * from v$session_longops where time_remaining>0 order by username;
Check to ensure large transaction is not going on while you are trying to shutdown the database.
SQL>Select sum(used_ublk) from v$transaction;
Check the progress of the transaction that oracle is recovering.
SQL>Select * from v$fast_start_transactions;
Check to ensure that any parallel transaction recovery is going on before performing shutdown immediate.
SQL>Select * from v$fast_start_servers;
Finally if you do not understand the reason why the shutdown is hanging or taking longer time to shutdown then try to shutdown your database with ‘abort’ option and startup with ‘restrict’ option and try shutdown with ‘immediate’ option.
Check the alert.log, if you find any error related ‘Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence’ then you need to enable your archival process. Your archival is disable due to any reason.
1. In command prompt set the oracle_sid first
ORACLE_SID = ‘your db_name’
2. Now start the SQL*plus:
sqlplus /nolog
SQL>connect sys/***@instance_name
SQL>Select instance_name from v$instance;
3. Try to checkpoint before shutdown abort
SQL>alter system checkpoint;
SQL> shutdown abort;
4. Start the database with ‘restrict’ option so that no other user is able to connect you in the mean time.
SQL>startup restrict;
SQL>select logins from v$instance;
SQL>shutdown immediate;
5. Mount the database and ensure archive process is enabling by using archive log list command. If it is disabling then enable it.
SQL>startup mount;
SQL> archive log list;  --if disable then enable it
SQL>Alter database archivelog;
SQL> Alter system archive log start;
Note: If your archivelog destination and format is already set no need to set again. After setting check with the ‘archive log list’ command archival is enable or not.
SQL> alter database open;
Now check if your database is still in restricted mode then remove the restriction.
SQL>select logins from v$instance;
SQL>alter system disable restricted session;
Note: Now try to generate archivelog with any command
SQL>alter system archivelog current;
SQL>alter system switch logfile;
Now try to check or perform normal shutdown and startup with the database

How ADOP works


How ADOP works in EBS R12?

The online patching cycle consists of five phases which are executed in order. Example of a typical online patching cycle:
source /EBSapps.env run
adop phase=prepare
adop phase=apply patches=123456
adop phase=finalize
adop phase=cutover
source /EBSapps.env run
adop phase=cleanup
Note that after cutover the command line environment should be re-loaded as the run edition file system has changed.
In a multi-node deployment, adop commands are only executed from the primary node. The primary adop session uses remote execution to automatically perform required actions on any secondary node.
Multiple phases of adop can be executed in a single line command. Example of combined finalize/cutover/cleanup:
adop phase=finalize,cutover,cleanup
Prior to cutover, it is possible to execute additional “apply” and “finalize” phases as needed. Example of applying multiple patches using separate apply commands:
source /EBSapps.env run
adop phase=prepare
adop phase=apply patches=123456
adop phase=apply patches=223456
adop phase=finalize
adop phase=apply patches=323456
adop phase=finalize
adop phase=cutover
source /EBSapps.env run
adop phase=cleanup
Note that it is possible to apply additional patches after running the finalize phase, but if you do so then you will need to run the finalize phase again. Finalize must always be run immediately prior to cutover.

ADOP Common Parameters

workers= [default: computed]
Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks. Default value is computed principally according to number of available CPU cores.
adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with one
on each line of the file. Command line parameters override input file parameters.
loglevel=(statement|procedure|event|warning|error|unexpected) [default: event]
Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed on the console output. Each log message is tagged with a level:
1) statement – is only used for debugging.
2) procedure – is only used for debugging high level procedures.
3) event – is used to display informational messages in normal processing. This is the default value.
4) warning – is used to indicate an internal error that is handled by the system and does not affect processing.
5) error – indicates an action failed and will need to be reviewed by the user, but the system was able to continue processing.
6) unexpected – indicates an unrecoverable error that halts processing and requires user intervention before processing can continue.
Setting loglevel will display messages at that level and higher.
prompt=(yes|no) [default: yes]
Specifies whether adop should prompt for user input on warnings. By default adop will ask user whether to continue or exit on some warning messages. If this parameter is set to “no” adop will remain fully non-interactive, and will continue past any warning messages without user confirmation.
Below is the list of Diagnostic Parameters. Normally these parameters are not used, until unless directed by Oracle Support:
allowcoredump=(yes|no) [default: no]
Specifies whether adop should create a core dump if it crashes. This option should only be used if directed by support.
analytics=(yes|no) [default: no]
Controls whether adop writes additional reports with information that might be helpful in some diagnostic situations. This option should not be used unless directed by Support.
defaultsfile= [default: adalldefaults.txt]
Name of the response file providing default parameter values for non-interactive execution of adadmin and adop. The file must be in the$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK directory in both run edition and patch edition file systems. The default file “adalldefaults.txt” is maintained by AutoConfig and normally you should not need to change any values.

ADOP Prepare Phase

Prepare phase will be create a new Online Patching Cycle ID and start with Syncronizing the File System of Run into Patch. This will be followed by creation of Patch Edition in database.
The phase has below specific parameter:
skipsyncerror=(yes|no) [default: no]
It specifies whether to ignore errors that may occur during incremental file system synchronization. This might happen if you applied a patch in the previous patching cycle that had errors but decided to continue with the cutover. When the patch is synchronized on the next patching cycle, the apply errors may occur again, but can be ignored.
After complition of Prepare Phase you can start with migration of customization to the Patch Edition File System and you can apply Application Technology Stack Patches i.e. Oracle Home (10.1.2) Patches and Weblogic Patches. This can be done until you are completed with Cutover Phase.

ADOP Apply Phase

This is the phase where in patches are actully applied.
The phase has below specific parameters:
apply=(yes|no) [default: yes]
Controls whether adop actually applies the patch. You can specify “apply=no” to run adop in test mode, where the patch will not actually be applied, and adop will record what it would have done in the log.
This parameter specifies a comma-separated list of patches to be applied. Patches can be specified either as the patch number or by the patch directory and driver file. All patches are expected to be in the $PATCH_TOP directory on all tiers. Patches are applied serially unless the merge=yes parameter is specified.
patchtop= [default: $PATCH_TOP]
Path to a user-specified directory where patches are unzipped. The default and recommend location is the $PATCH_TOP directory automatically created by the install. When using an alternate patchtop you must ensure that the location is not within the editioned file systems (fs1, fs2) and is accessible by the same path for all nodes of a multi-node deployment.
apply_mode=(online|downtime|hotpatch) [default: online]
It is used to specify how the patch will be applied. There 3 option can be explained as below:
online – It will apply a patch to the patch edition during an online patching cycle.
downtime – It will apply a patch to the run edition when application services are down. When using this mode, you only run the apply phase.
hotpatch – apply a patch to the run edition when application services are up. When using this mode, you only run the apply phase
In downtime mode, adop will validate that application services are shutdown before apply the patch. The patch will be applied to the run edition of the system. Downtime mode patching does not use an online patching cycle and hence if there is an online patching cycle in progress. The process of applying a patch in downtime mode completes more quickly than in online mode, but at the cost of increased system downtime.
In hotpatch mode, adop will apply the patch to the run edition of the system while application services are still running. Patches that can be safely applied in hotpatch mode (such as NLS and Online Help patches) will document this in the patch readme. Hotpatch mode cannot be used if there is an online patching cycle in progress.
merge=(yes|no) [default: no]
Indicates whether adop should merge a list of patches before applying. By default, adop will apply a list of patches serially in the order specified. You can also use AD Merge Patch to merge multiple patches ahead of the apply command.
restart=(yes|no) [default: no]
Use restart=yes to resume the previous failed apply command from where processing terminated. If an apply command fails, check the log files for further information. If the problem can be corrected, you can then restart the apply command where it left off using the restart parameter.
When restarting a failed apply it is important to use the same parameters as the failed command, with only the addition of the restart=yes parameter.
abandon=(yes|no) [default: no]
Use abandon=yes to abandon the previous failed apply command and start a new apply command. Note that any changes made to the system by the failed command will remain in effect. The abandon flag is most useful when applying a replacement patch for the failing patch. If a patch fails to apply and there is no replacement patch, you may also abort the online patching cycle. See abort phase later in this blog.
Options can be specified in a comma-separated list to control advanced features when a patch is applied. These options are normally not needed unless specified by documentation or support. Note that these options can be prefixed with “no”, e.g. “nocheckfile”, to disable the behavior, and for some options “no” is the default.
checkfile [default: checkfile] – Skip running exec, SQL, and exectier commands if they are recorded as already run.
compiledb [default: compiledb] – Compile invalid objects in the database after running actions in the database driver.
compilejsp [default: compilejsp] – Compile out-of-date JSP files, if the patch has copy actions for at least one JSP file.
copyportion [default: copyportion] – Run commands found in a copy driver.
databaseportion [default: databaseportion] – Run commands found in a database driver.
generateportion [default: generateportion] – Run commands found in a generate driver.
integrity [default: nointegrity] – Perform patch integrity checking
autoconfig [default: autoconfig] – Run AutoConfig.
actiondetails [default: actiondetails] – Turn off display of action details.
parallel [default: parallel] – Run actions that update the database or actions that generate files in parallel.
prereq [default: noprereq] – Perform prerequisite patch checking prior to running patch driver files.
validate [default: novalidate] – Connect to all registered Oracle E-Business Suite schemas at the start of patch application.
phtofile [default: nophtofile] – Save patch history to file
forceapply [default: noforceapply] – Reapply a patch that has already been applied. Useful in combination with “nocheckfile” option to rerun files that have already been executed.
Flags can be specified in a comma-separated list to control advanced features when applying a patch. Note that these flags can be prefixed with “no”, e.g. “nologging”, to disable the behavior and for some flags “no” is the default.
hidepw [default: hidepw] – Omit the “HIDEPW:” comments in the log file.
trace [default: notrace] – Log all database operations to a trace file.
logging [default: nologging] – Create indexes in LOGGING or NOLOGGING mode.
autoskip [default: noautoskip] – To proceed with adpatch execution even if some driver actions failed. Failed actions are recorded in a log file.
preinstall=(yes|no) [default: no]
Allows a patch to be applied to the file system without connecting to the database. Do not use this parameter unless directed by Oracle.
wait_on_failed_job=(yes|no) [default: no]
Controls whether adop apply command exits when all workers have failed. Instead of exiting, you can force adop to wait, and use the “adctrl” to retry failed jobs.
printdebug=(yes|no) [default: no]
Controls whether to display additional debugging information.
uploadph=(yes|no) [default: yes]
Controls whether to upload patch history information to database after applying the patch.

ADOP Finalize Phase

Finalize Phase is performed to keep the system ready for Cutover phase. This phase perform various activities like:
1. Compiling Invalid Objects
2. Generating driverd objects
3. Pre-compute DDL to be run during Cutover
Finalize Phase have below specific parameters:
finalize_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]
Quick mode will provide the shortest execution time, by skipping non-essential actions. Full mode performs additional actions such as gathering statistics that may improve performance after cutover.

ADOP Cutover Phase

Cutover phase perform below activities:
1. Bring down Application services
2. Promote Patch File System to the Run File System.
3. Promote Patch Database Edition to the Run Database Edition.
4. Perform Maintenance task
5. Bring up application services
Cutover Phase have below specific parameters:
mtrestart=(yes|no) [default: yes]
Specifies whether to restart application tier servers after cutover. Leave at default unless you need to perform any manual steps during downtime.
cm_wait= [default: forever]
Specifies the number of minutes to wait for Concurrent Manager shutdown. Adop cutover starts by requesting a concurrent manager shutdown and then waits for in-progress requests to complete. If Concurrent Manager does not shutdown within the specified time limit, remaining concurrent requests will be killed and cutover will proceed.
Note that any concurrent requests killed during forced shutdown may need to be manually re-submitted after cutover. To avoid killing concurrent requests, schedule cutover at a time of minimal user activity or manually shutdown Concurrent Manager in advance of cutover.

ADOP Cleanup Phase

This phase will cleanup the Application and Database for the next Patching Cycle.
Cleanup phase specific parameters are:
cleanup_mode=(full|standard|quick) [default: standard]
Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by skipping non-essential actions. Standard mode performs additional processing to drop obsolete code objects from old editions. Full mode performs additional processing to drop empty database editions and unused table columns.

Cloning the Patch Edition File System

The patch edition file system is normally synchronized with the run edition file system during the prepare phase. There are some cases where it is helpful or required to manually re-clone the patch edition file system from the run edition.
1) After aborting an online patching cycle.
2) After manually changing the run edition file system.
3) After patching middle-tier technology components.
4) After applying an EBS RUP.
By re-cloning the patch edition file system, you can be certain that it is correctly synchronized, and also minimize any synchronization delay that would normally occur on the next prepare command. This can be down by below command:
adop phase=fs_clone
If there is any error you must examine log files and correct the problem, then restart the fs_clone by running the command again. User below command if fs_clone does not restart correctly and you want to force the process to restart from the beginning.
adop phase=fs_clone force=yes

Aborting an online patching cycle

If an online patching cycle encounters problems that cannot be fixed immediately you can abort the patching cycle and return to normal runtime operation. Aborting an online patching cycle can be issue as below:
adop phase=abort
Note that once you are done with Cutover phase, you can abort ADOP Cycle.
The abort command drops the database patch edition and returns the system to normal runtime state. Immediately following abort, you must also run a full cleanup and fs_clone operation to fully remove effects of the failed online patching cycle.

Dropping old database editions

As online patching cycles are completed, the system will build up a number of old database editions. When the number of old database editions reaches about 25, you should consider running a special maintenance operation to drop old database editions. This can be down as below:
adop phase=prepare
adop phase=actualize_all
adop phase=finalize
adop phase=cutover
adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full
This maintenance operation will take much longer than a typical online patching cycle, and should only be performed when there is no immediate need to start a new online patching cycle. The actualize all and full cleanup can be done separately as shown above, or can be executed in conjunction with an online patching cycle.

Log File Location

The adop log files are located on the non-editioned file system (fs_ne), under:


The adop utility maintains a session for each online patching cycle. A new session is created when you run the prepare phase. Each session is given a numeric ID number. The session is used to maintain the state of the online patching cycle across the various adop phases and commands. You can only run one adop session at a time on a particular Oracle E-Business Suite system