Showing posts with label RAC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RAC. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

RAC Database Startup, Stop and Status using srvctl

 RAC Database Startup, Stop and Status using srvctl

RAC Database Startup in NORMAL mode:

Run below command from primary node as a oracle owner:

srvctl stop database -d DB_NAME

srvctl start database -d DB_NAME

srvctl status database -d DB_NAME

RAC Database Startup in MOUNT /NOMOUNT / RESTRICT mode:

Startup in mount mode:

srvctl start database -d DB_NAME -o mount

Startup in nomount mode:

srvctl start database -d DB_NAME -o nomount

Startup in restrict mode:

srvctl start database -d DB_NAME -o restrict

START / STOP Specific RAC Instance:

To Stop specific RAC instance:

srvctl stop instance -d DB_NAME -i INSTANCE_NAME

To Start specific RAC instance:

srvctl start instance -d DB_NAME -i INSTANCE_NAME


 Oracle Cluster commands

To stop all cluster services,ASMm, database and instance:

Login as root 

export GRID_HOME=/oradata/oracle/DEV/bin/


[root@rac01 ]# ./crsctl stop cluster

To start all cluster services,ASM, database and instance:

Login as root 

export GRID_HOME=/oradata/oracle/DEV/bin/


[root@rac01 ]# ./crsctl start cluster

Login as root 

export GRID_HOME=/oradata/oracle/DEV/bin/


$ ./crsctl check cluster -all [verify cluster status on all nodes]

$ ./crsctl stop cluster -all [stop cluster on all nodes]

$ ./crsctl start cluster -all [start cluster on all nodes]

$ ./crsctl check cluster -n <nodename> [verify the cluster status on a particular remote node]

To check CRS (Cluster ready service) status:

Login as root

export GRID_HOME=/oradata/oracle/DEV/bin/


[root@rac01 ]# ./crsctl check crs

To check status of node apps - where node is the name of the node where the applications are running:

Login as root

cd /oradata/oracle/db/tech_st/11.2.0/bin/

[root@rac01 ]# ./srvctl status nodeapps -n node

crs_stat: Displays CRS resource status:

Login as root

export GRID_HOME=/oradata/oracle/DEV/bin/


[root@rac01 ]# ./crs_stat -t

To start particular resource:

Login as root

export GRID_HOME=/oradata/oracle/DEV/bin/


[root@rac01 ]# ./crsctl start resource ora.oc4j